Site of Special Scientific Interest
St Nectan’s Glen: Site of Special Scientific Interest
The woodland that encircles this naturally fascinating and wonderful site is rich, lush and home to an array of plants, birds and wildlife.
The area in which St Nectan’s Glen sits has been appointed a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI, Biological interest) due to rare species of moss and Liverwort that flourish on the grounds.
There are two species of rare moss and 2 species of rare Liverworts which grow on the site around the waterfalls, which has given St Nectan’s Glen the status of SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest). This highlights the importance of preserving this beautiful valley for future generations of visitors and taxonomists alike.
There are 167 Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) in Cornwall (including the Isles of Scilly). Of the 167 sites designated in this area of research, 54 sites have been designated due to their geological interest, the greatest number, 81 sites, have been designated due to their biological interest – one of which is St Nectan’s Glen – with 32 sites falling into both categories.*
*Source: Natural England and Wikipedia